Shan had this great Year in Review from
2Peas... If you're reading this, make sure to add it to your blog! :)
2005 In Review JANUARY 1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?: I don't really do resolutions, but try to improve a few things (being more organized, eat healthier, excersize more, etc...)
2. Who kissed you at midnight?: Bobby, my DH
3. Did it snow where you live?: Yes
4. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?: No, I wouldn't appreciate that size of a crowd.
FEBRUARY1. Who was your valentine?: See Jan #2! :)
2. What did your valentine get you?: We don't really do Valentines...who wants to be told when to "dote" on your loved one! :) It's the rebel in us! :) I get flowers all the time just spur of the moment...that means so much more to me!
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?: YES!!! I loved creating a themed "mailbox", selecting the valentines or making them...then putting in the candy hearts in them and handing them out. They were so cool!
1. Are you Irish? Yes, part Irish! (Irish, Scottish, French & German)
2. Did you wear green on St. Patty's Day?: Of Course, I don't want to get pinched all day! :)
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day?: We got our new treadmill from Sears! LOL - really!
APRIL 1. Do you like the rain?: Sure, it's refreshing...just not days upon days of rain, or every weekend (We had 6 weekends in a row in 2005!)
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year?: No, I leave that up to DH!
3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter?: I didn't but the girls did!
MAY1. What's your favorite kind of flower?: Hydrangia, Lilac, Hyacinth & Old Fashion Pink Roses
2. Do you like the spring? Love it! It's my Fav!
3. Finish the phrase: "April showers bring...": May flowers!
4. What would you think of as a spring color?: Pastels of course
JUNE1. What year did you graduate from school?: 95
2. Did you go on any vacations?: None in Junebut we had VBS for a full week.
JULY 1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Family Picnic, Watched Fireworks, time w/family
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?: Yes, we all flew to Georgia/Alabama for the 4th. We also went camping.
1. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer?: not really, but friends took Catherine to the pool a lot.
2. Did you go to the beach a lot?: Not this year, we were about in Deleware in Sept, and so close to the ocean, but never made it over just about killed me!!!!
SEPTEMBER1. Did you attend school/college in '05?: No, but my DD started Kindergarten, so I'm finally a PTO Mom!!!
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher?: Mrs. Terry my 2nd grade teacher, she was wonderful!
3. Did you like fall better than summer?: Sure
OCTOBER1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever?: Being a Baton Twirler! :) I was 6 maybe, and so proud of myself in the parade! :) LOL
2. What's your favorite candy?: Twix or Sneakers
3. What did you dress up like this year? I didn't dress up, but I took the girls T-or-Ting
NOVEMBER1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving?: Good friends Joe & Jenn's house
2. Do you like stuffing?: Yes, but never dressing - Yuck!
3. What are you thankful for?: God/Jesus, My husband, My girls, My family, My friends, My health, my many things.
DECEMBER1. Do you celebrate Christmas?: Absolutely! Celebrating the reason for the season too! :)
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?: Yep, my hubby!
3. What do you want this year for christmas?: Kitchen Aid Mixer :)
4. What's the best present you ever got for christmas?: Diamond Earrings
5. Do you like cold weather?: Yep, it's so much better than the hummid summers in KY!
6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10?: 10