Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Weird Facts About Me

From Tenika at 2Peas a meme n (mëm): is an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog, like a question posted in one blog and answered in many other blogs.

{meme #12} 10 "Weird Facts About Me"

  1. I refuse to step over drainage grates in roads.
  2. I can't stand to see someone rub their eyebrow backwards.
  3. Belly Button lint grosses me out!
  4. I don't "love" shoes, I'd rather be barefoot.
  5. I HAVE to sleep with a fan on (even during the coldest part of winter)
  6. I have never broken a bone, but I've had 2 surgeries (within a month of each other).
  7. I am 1 of 11 kids and there are 2 sets of twins in my family (1 set of identical twins, and 1 set fraternalall, which I am 1).
  8. Generally I eat one food at a time (ie..if there are 3 things on my plate; chicken, carrots & green beans, I'll eat all of my carrots before I eat the green beans, etc...)
  9. I can't take a shower without towelll nearby to dry my face/eyes as soon as they get wet. (Water burns/irritates my eyes)
  10. I have random morbid thoughts sometimes (I'll be crossing the street, and imagine being hit by a car, and never walking again. Yeah, things like that!)


Patience said...

I have to agree with #1, #4, #9, and #10! Great list!

Anonymous said...

I do that morbid thinking thing once in awhile.

Eyebrows??! I'm not keen on people blowing their noses or doing stretchy weird stuff w/ their eyelids.

I think you're hilarious!

Heather said...

Yeah the eyebrows! :) It's not something most people notice...I've got 2 scars on my right eyebrow (Kids, don't run in the house, you'll get hurt!) where I had stitches.

Once in awhile you'll notice someone rub their face, and if they happen to rub them against the grain, it gives me the creeps (much like some people are to fingernails on a chalkboard).

Somehow my friends (actually, it's only the men (friends' DH's) have found a few of my quirks, and they enjoy teasing me with doing this...yi-cha-cha...this creeps me out even just typing it! :) LOL I know, there's something wrong with me! :)

Collette Osuna said...

Heather...saw your blog link on two peas.....
LOVE your meme list....I agree with you on #8..I'm the same way:)
Why do we do this??lol...it all ends up in the same place..hehehe