Friday, June 03, 2005

Friday Five; Childhood Revisited....

Here are the Friday Five's question for today June 3rd... (take and put them on your blog and answer them too!) :)

* What things did you enjoy as a child that you no longer do? Swinging on our old tree was the absolute best!!!
* What things did you enjoy as a child that you still do today? Eat ice cream! :) Occasionally play in the rain (with the girls of course)
* What things do you do now, that the child you were never thought you'd like? Some of the food I'll eat now and practically killed me to eat it when I was young! :) Brocolli, Spinache, etc.. ;) I still won't eat lima beans & brussel sprouts though! :) LOL
* If you could go back to one age and stay there for a while, what would it be? 5 years old, I have some great memories of being sisters and I played forever and the summer days just never seemed to end!
* If you could fast forward to an age (you do get to come back!) for a while, what would it be? 50, so that I can see and play with whatever grandchildren I'll have. :)

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