Monday, July 18, 2005

I wanna play!

Today was a really great day. My husband was off work today (He puts in 1 extra hour each day to get a 3 day weekend every two weeks), and since he had to work this Sunday...I really felt like I missed him! :) LOL

Anyways....our neighbor invited Catherine to go to the pool today with them and their Bobby, Abby & I were off to the mall and shopping like we had planned...then when she got back we played games. We played Uno, Barbie Bingo, Yatzee (with pink dice I might add) :) gold fish didn't make it in today, put perhaps tomorrow.

It was great playing games...with Catherine being 5, she can really play well without being pouty or taking "forever" during her turn.

This fun evening got me to thinking about how much I love playing games. I've always loved playing and can be (okay, I AM) very competitive. Last summer we played Spades (card game) with friends every other week...but now our schedules have kept us all really busy and hard to get together as often. I've never played Bunco....but I really, really, really would love to play in a group. I just don't know 11 other women.

We're in the middle of switching churches (very long story that I just won't get into), hopefully I'll make lots of new friends...and maybe they'll be a few that enjoy playing cards/games as much as I do! ;)

Have a great a game with your can be fun! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the DH... I must warn you Heather is very competitive when she fact I refuse to play Monopoly with her. One time she was playing spoons, she jumped all the way across a table (full court press) to snatch a spoon out of our pastor's hand....