If anything could go wrong it did!
First off....we rented movies from Blockbuster yesterday....Abby picked a Strawberry Shortcake DVD....when we open it up, the wrong movie is inside! :( So off to Blockbuster to exchange it for the right one. (No biggie - just aggrevating) but after this first errand the girls are whining that they're ready to go back home. :(
Next stop...Tomorrows Child, to drop off clothes to see if they'll accept them and give me a qoute. They're not accepting spring/summer clothes so that trip was wasted!
Forgot to go to Salvation Army to drop off a ton of clothes that are riding along in the back of the car....No biggie, can do that another day.
Next stop, the bank....no problems there thankfully! The girls get lollipops....and I'm asked if I want to donate some $$ to help some kids go to camp....so I do.... then off we go to Kohls.
At Kohls, I need to get a bridal registry printed off so I can buy some gifts for some friends of ours that are getting married next month. I ask an associate where I'd find this...she mummbles something and says "back there"...I'm like "oh that's helpful, just where is 'back there?'"...I find the kiosk, print it off, it jams, with no help anywhere in sight, I stick my hand through the small slot and try and pull my papers out. There are print offs for about 3 other people...I turn these in to the customer service area and tell them about the jam.
I'm searching for what I want, I have my trusty little pink calculator out and trying to stay in my predetermined budget. I drop it, and it gives up it's ghost. The darn thing just quit working! Ugh...so I have to do the math in my head! Joy! Of course the whole time the girls are misbehaving, Kohls doesn't have the riding carts anymore, so Abby's touching EVERYTHING!
I finally get out of there (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kohls, but it was rough!).
Oh yeah...I had bought Abby's gifts & party supplies at Toys R' Us Saturday evening but now she said she wants Care Bears...so now I have to return the Hello Kitty supplies. :( (I'll do that tomorrow when I go to pick up her balloons)
So I'm off to Wal-Mart to more supplies....I'm driving up the parking lot and see an open spot right up in the front, my blinkers on and I'm about to pull into the spot and some woman in a van just whips in and takes my spot. Did you hear that?! She stole MY spot!!! Are people really this rude? I've never in my life ever thought about taking a spot from someone like that. So I wait there, I roll my window down and wait for her to get out. People from sorrounding cars see this and stop what they're doing and watch me. She gets out and I simply say "Did you not see my blinker?" I pause for a second then say "Thanks a lot! I have 2 kids!" then I drive off, to the far end of the parking lot where there are open spots and I just cried! I cried for a good 5 minutes. My day has been bad (okay it doesn't really look like it was that bad....but with the way the kids were acting, how hot it was and with me PMSing it was bad - just take my word for it) and then I practically yell at a complete stranger. (I didn't yell, I really tried to watch my tone of voice when I spoke to her too - honestly)
We do our thing in Wal-Mart and come home.
I'm tired, my head hurts, I know I need to go clean the kitchen and cook dinner but instead I just want to vegg for 30 mins (less than thanks to Tivo) then get busy....but will these kids of mine let me?! No! They have to fight with each other, then interupt me for no reasong really...it's just driving me crazy!!!!!!! I can't take another second of this day! DH will be home in 15 min...I've still got to clean & cook. Think I can do it? I'll try! :)
Now for a positive note....I'm so thankful I have air conditioning in the car & central air in the house), I'm thankful that I have 2 wonderful kids that do drive me crazy, I'm thankful for the house that I have that's a mess, I'm thankful for my husband who's at work, working so that I can stay home with these 2 great kids, and finally I'm thankful for 8:00 when bedtime comes rolling around tonight!