Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Keeping Busy!

  • MRI taken for my neck
  • Mailed CJ and local tax form (getting a small refund...yeah!)
  • Completed our State Taxes - efiled them!
  • 99% completed our Federal Taxes...(I have to get one more piece of info)
  • 2 loads of laundry
  • Meet with Speech therapist to discuss Catherine's "ch" and "j" sounds

I hear rumors LOL, that we have a TARGET just 30 minutes away from me! :) I've got to check it out tomorrow...I'd rather go there than Wal-Mart for the few things we needed! :)

This weekend we should be putting in our new laminate flooring. We just got a leather sofa with the two ends that recline from Lane. My husband is in Heaven! :)

This Saturday is the Family Fun day at C's school. I've got to make a cake for the Cake Walk, and man the fish pond booth for the K class.

I need to finish the last CJ. It will complete them all for me once it's done. I've dragged my feet on it and I feel so horrible about it!

Bobby and I will be celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary next week (on the 15th), we hope to get away! I'd love to do something really special, since 10's a big one! :) It's hard to believe that I was 18 when I made such an important decision. I'll tell you though, it's been one of my best! :) I love this man!!! He still makes me laugh, makes me feel great, he knows me better than I know myself sometimes. He is my best friend and I can't imagine life without him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather!
Happy to hear from you.
Hope your anniversary is happy :)