Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Family Movie Day

We went with friends and saw Curious George on Monday when everyone had off work/school. It was so cute, and the music was really good for an animation. Abby fell asleep and missed the first half, I tried my best to wake her up, but she would have nothing to do with it. So she had a great $6 nap! :) LOL When she did wake up, she enjoyed the movie (so we'll be renting that DVD!)

It was so cute watching Catherine enjoying the movie (she was sitting between 2 of her friends) her little laugh was just too adorable!

We also spent presidents day watching the marathon on the History Channel (which is probably the same shows they air every year at this time!....and we watch them every DH is a history buff! :) LOL).

I think for the moment we're all healthy! Yeah!!!! I didn't think I'd be able to say that this month! :) It's been a rough year so far! :) Nothing too serious though. No new info on the lump...I'll update anything new (I need to set up an appt with my ENT) as I find things out.

I hope everyone is doing fine this February morning! I've got to prepare for my Famous Artist presentation at Catherine's school this afternoon! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I *loved* it :)
happy you are all healthy...stay that way!