Monday, March 10, 2008

Almost the middle of March already

Wow, this month is flying much is going on so I haven't updated in awhile.

  1. My Mom had a bit of a heart scare, but it turns out everything is fine (after a pointless surgery after all - Thanks Doctors!) thank goodness!
  2. Family Fun Day (School Carnival) was a successful event - the kids had a blast! See pictures below.
  3. I updated my desktop, and since I have Shabby Princess and Shabby Miss Jenn's there's one for my desktop and one for the girls profile. :)
  4. Bobby and I celebrate our 12th anniversary this weekend. It was 12 years ago today that he proposed to me.
  5. It's time to turn in the Van and get a new working on that.
  6. Abby's is getting a little extra help in school to strengthen her verbal and written communication and she's now getting speech therapy.
  7. Catherine is doing great in school as usual - she's in her 2nd week of swimming classes at school. She dove into 12 ft off the high dive and was very proud of herself.
  8. I'm working on the school yearbook trying to make my deadline - very stressed out as other things are going on at the same time.
  9. We bought Abby a dresser for her room - it's white and shabby chic (love it)
  10. Spring needs to arrive!
I'm getting a server error and can't upload pictures (third time I've tried maybe someday I'll get some pictures up!)